Anti-corruption Day Reflection

Rising Corruption Cases in Soeharto's Era

VIVAnews - Matters on corruption have been brought into Soeharto's mind since he was first elected Indonesian President replacing Soekarno. During an official speech before members of the House of Representatives on 16 August 1967, Soeharto showed his 'good will' in eradicating corruption.

Pekerjakan Anak Usia 15 Tahun, Pengusaha Spa di Samarinda Ditangkap Polisi

The good will was indeed apparent as he appointed Attorney General Maj.Gen. Soegiharto to preside over Corruption Eradication Team. However, the team was problematic and people thus questioned Soeharto. It was viewed that the government lacked courage to unveil corruption cases in Indonesia Logistics Agency, state oil company Pertamina, and the Department of Forestry.

To anticipate demonstrations, Soeharto set up a new anti-corruption team called Commission of Four. The team was chaired by Wilopo and had IJ Kasimo, Johannes, Anwar Tjokroaminoto as its members, while Dr. Hatta served as adviser. After working for five months the commission whose commencement was based on Presidential Decree No.12/1970 suggested ways on on how to eradicate corruption instantly.

However, it was suspected that the government did not support the suggestions. The government had never responded to corruption findings in the Department of Religious Affairs, Logistics Agency, CV Waringin, PT Mantrust, Telkom and Pertamina. 

Soeharto also issued Decree No.52/1970 on Level IV-C High-Rank Officials as well as high-rank officials of the Indonesian Armed Forces which made it mandatory for them to report their wealth. 

The government also issued Decree No.61/1971 on Establishment of Tanjung Priok Harbor Control Team. The so-called 'Walisongo Team' was headed by Maj.Gen. Slamet Danusudirjo. The team's task was eradicating smuggling and illegal money in the harbor. In 1972, the team's task was expanded by monitoring harbors in Medan, Palembang, Semarang, Makassar, Bitung etc.

Law on Corruption Eradication was firstly legalized in 1971.

Soeharto also recommended that people should lead a 'simple life.' The reminder also prohibited officials to hold massive wedding and birthday parties. Soeharto also banned officials and their spouses to drive luxurious cars and had office in private companies.

Although efforts on anti-corruption were substantially acted upon, corruption cases were instead increasing. Deputy Attorney General for Operation Sadili Sastrawijaya revealed in 1978 that corruption cases rapidly increased and caused state to lose until Rp 29.8 billion (approx. US$2.56 million). While in 1977, the state was estimated to have lost Rp 4.02 billion due to corruption cases.

Soeharto then launched Operation for Restoring Order which was commanded by Commander for the Restoration of Peace, Security and Order, Soedomo. It was normal that the program triggered conflicts. General AH Nasution suggested that the operation was started from above, and that the corruption eradication was started from Soedomo's self.

The operation was then discontinued.

Menkes Budi Sebut Tidak Ada Rencana Ubah Iuran BPJS Kesehatan pada 2024

Soeharto himself is suspected of being engaged in extensive corruption during his 31 years of presidency. The amount is estimated to be up to billions of US dollars.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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