Jakarta Annual Flooding in February 2009

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VIVAnews - Various areas in Indonesia has been affected by the rainy season. Some regions have become isolated and paralyzed.

In his blog, Deden Rukmana, explains the flooding phenomenon in Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta. "Fortunately, the extent of this year’s flooding was not as great as in the last two years," he wrote.

Rukmana compares this month's flooding with previous years during the same month, i.e. February. "Interestingly, this year’s rainfall in Jakarta is higher than that in 2008 and is about the same with the 2007 rainfall," he wrote.

The blog entry also mentions several steps that the Jakarta Administration has tried and/or is trying to implement to prevent and react to flood. "In the aftermath of the 2002 major flood, the central government and Jakarta administration plan to build the East Flood Canal project. The project is aimed at reducing floods in a 270-square-kilometer flood-prone area of East and North Jakarta, but it has progressed very slowly."

Read his entire entry at indonesiaurbanstudies.blogspot.com


* Deden Rukmana is Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at Savannah State University, Savannah, Georgia, USA.