Corruption Case

Another Win for Soeharto Clan

VIVAnews - The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) deems the decision of the Jakarta High Court on the Supersemar Foundation case as another win for the late Soeharto's family.

"Despite ordering the Supersemar Foundation to pay compensation, this verdict did not mentions (late) Soeharto's responsibility," said a researcher from the ICW, Febri Diansyah, on Monday, Feb. 23.

According to him, this verdict cannot be made into one of the appellate reviews on the Hutomo Mandala Putra and BNP Paribas' money case.

Diansyah added that the district attorney needs to appeal the Supersemar Foundation civil verdict. "What needs to be noted in the appeal is proof that Soeharto is also responsible as a decision maker at that time," he added.

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The Jakarta High Court had previously stated that the Supersemar Foundation has to pay US$ 105,000,727.66 and Rp
46,479,512,226.187 (US$3,900,534.51) of compensation. The foundation owned by the late former president Soeharto is regarded as abusing fund by giving loan and investing capital to various companies.

"We support the verdict from South Jakarta District Court," said the Jakarta High Court's spokesperson, Madya Suhardja on Tuesday, Feb.24.

This verdict was read by the appeal committee that is chaired by Nafisah and includes members i.e. Celine Rumansi and Endang Sri Murwati on Feb.
19. "We accept the submission of an appeal from the Attorney General as the Director of Public Persecutions."


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Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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