
Voting Tendencies for 2009 General Elections

VIVAnews - The survey was conducted nationwide by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) from 26 October to 5 November 2008. The sample size was 2,197 with 95 percent level of confidence. The respondents were Indonesian citizens that have the right to vote in the general elections, i.e. at least 17 years of age or were married when the survey was done. The method used was Multistage Random Sampling.

The people deems the Democratic Party as the party that can be most trusted in leading the country if the legislative general elections were to be conducted on the day of the survey. This is shown by the fact that 16.8 percent of the respondents chose the Democratic Party. Only 15.9 percent chose the Functional Group Party (Golkar), 14.2 percent chose the Indonesian Democratic Party Struggle (PDIP), 4.9 percent chose the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), and 4.2 percent chose the National Awakening Party (PKB).

Compared to January 2008, the trend has changed. The Democratic Party, which obtained only 13 percent of the votes then, gained 17 percent of votes in November 2008. Golkar has lost votes, from 18 percent to 16 percent. PDIP underwent quite a significant drop, from 21 percent to 14 percent. Other parties that experienced a decrease in number of voters is PKB, from 7 percent to 5 percent.

PKS experienced a slight increase, from 4 percent to 5 percent. Meanwhile parties that did not undergo any changes are the United Development Party (PPP), still at 5 percent, and the National Mandate Party (PAN), still at 3 percent.

The Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), a new player this year, shows an interesting increase in the polls. Only 1 percent of the sample chose Gerindra in June 2008. This increases to 3 percent in September and to 4 percent in November.

Translated by: Ramona Sofianne Dewi

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