Export and Import

Seven Imported Products to Be Restricted

VIVAnews - The Department of Industry proposed that imports of seven imported products are restricted as it was applied to five other products in line with Trade Ministerial Regulation No.60/2008.

Kapan Bumi Kiamat?

The regulation specifies that certain imported products are imported through registered importers mechanism (IT) and certain harbours.

"We are proposing that cosmetics, ceramics, steel, energy-save light bulbs, and cellphones [be regulated] as well as automotive components especially spark plugs, oil filters, battery and bicycles," said Minister of Industry Fahmi Idris on Wednesday, Feb 18.

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The recommendation, he went on to say, will complete the previous five imported products including food and beverages, clothes, footwear, electronics, and toys. The regulation will be imposed by between 1 February and 21 December 2010.

Earlier, Director General of Metal, Machinery, Textile, and Multifarious Industry at the Department of Industry, Anshari Bukhari, said the suggestion would only rely on Minister of Trade's decision.

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According to Bukhari, Trade Minister's final decision is being prepared at the Legal Bureau of the Department of Trade.

Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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