BI Rate Cut

Chance for BI Rate to Decrease

VIVAnews - Bank Indonesia (BI) has cut the BI Rate by 25 basis points to 7.50 percent. In the future, the BI Rate may still decrease.

"We are observing that there is still space to cut [the BI Rate). Inflation rate, as predicted, continues to fall," said Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Hartadi A Sarwono, on Friday, April 3.

However, Sarwono went on to say, BI will still have to monitor the situation to broaden the chance for the BI Rate to be cut. "The cut in the BI Rate will enable us to be able to stimulate credit growth having lower interest rate," he said.

In the last four months, BI Has cut the BI Rate. The first cut carried out in December 2008 by 0.25 basis points from 9.50 percent to 9.25 percent. In January 2009, the rate was cut to 8.75 percent; February to 6.25 percent and in March to 7.75 percent.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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