Foreign Capital Boosts Rupiah

VIVAnews - The flow of foreign fund to Indonesia has triggerred increase in the Rupiah currency as well as the stock index recently.

Deputy Senior of Bank Indonesia (BI) Miranda Goeltom said the situation is more preferable. "Therefore, the rupiah is up," she said on Thursday, April 23, in Jakarta.

She went on to say that the improvement in the rupiah relates other factors such as the regional issues as well as the global sentiment. For the time being, according to Goeltom, the global situation is better.

In addition, the inflation in Indonesia is expected to be lower in April compared to March. As far as payment balance is concerned, commodities' prices are rising despite the decreasing imports.

"It is not surprising if the international investors are entering," she said.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia / MKRI

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