2009 Elections

Five Institutions Preparing MoU

VIVAnews - Police, attorney office, Supreme Court, Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu) and Elections Commission are preparing a memorandum of understanding on upholding the law in the 2009 Elections.

Bertemu Majelis Masyayikh, Menag Bahas Rekognisi Santri dan Ma’had Aly

Member of Bawaslu, Widyarningsih said that upholding the law on elections as regulated by Law No.10/2008 on General Elections are still hindered by different understanding among institutions.

For example, concerning a limit to take measures against electoral violation which according to the law should be carried out in three days. "Is [the time limit] related to when a violation is found, or when a violation is committed?" she said at the Indonesian Police HQ, Jakarta, Tuesday, Dec 2. 

In addition, there must be an understanding between police and attorneys. "An understanding may speed up the process," she said.

Moreover, said Widyanirsih, the MoU of the five institutions is aimed at optimizing and strengthening the center of elections law enforcement. Every violation against elections processes will be dealt with in the center.  

Widyarningsih said that the MoU will be ready by Dec 4 at the latest. "Supreme judges are waiting to train higher judges concerning the election matter," she said.

Head of Legal and Public Relations Bureau at the Supreme Court, Nurhadi, said that there are several articles in the Elections Law that cannot be enacted against due to instant period of time. As a result, many violations slip away by virtue of expirity. "So, there must be a convention," she said.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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