
7.6 Million Employees Absorbed

VIVAnews - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) 2006 census showed that the majority of medium- and large-sized enterprises are still focusing on Java with absorbed employment of 7.6 million.

Kasus Temuan Mayat Bayi Tanah Abang, Polisi Tangkap Orang Tua

The census, said Head of 2006 Economic Census Pietojo on Tuesday, Dec 23, included descriptions on medium- and large-sized enterprises, business activities, business spread, business obstacles and number of business absorption.

Regarding business spread, the census showed that the highest percentage is Java with 64.2 percent, followed by Sumatra with 15.71 percent. Meanwhile, the business activities that were mostly done by people are concerned with agriculture and trading. 

BPS recorded that the number of absorbed employees reached 7.6 million, while total medium- and large-sized enterprises reached 143,192 companies. Trading sector reached 0.66 million of employment while financial sector absorbed 0.54 million. Processing industries lead the list with employment absorption of 4.7 million.

BPS claimed that 52.3 percent of medium- and large-sized enterprises complains about business obstacles, while only 47.4 percent providers of accommodation which complained about business obstacles. 

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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