Banking and Finance

Sharia Economy: The Alternative

VIVAnews - Bank Indonesia has evaluated that the sharia economic system can be a way out for the troubled financial condition.
"[The sharia economy] must be monitored in detail. It may offer a solution for the crashing economic situation," said Governor of Bank Indonesia Boediono on Tuesday, Dec 24.
According to Boediono, in the sharia economy, the risk is shared more fairly. "Everything, concerning who bears what, is certain," said Boediono.
Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Muliaman Hadad claimed that in the recent global crisis, alternatives for the economic system are required.

"In the current crisis, I think we need to find a way out. There are many sharia financial institutions. A synergy is needed, and we need to think about it," said Hadad.
He went on to say that education and socialization are important to promote the sharia economy because countless people are not yet familiar with the system.
Meanwhile, State Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Sofyan Djalil said that SOEs would welcome placing funds at the sharia banks. However, the decision to place fund depends on the strategy of each SOE. 

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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