2 January 1680

The End of Trunojoyo Rebellion

VIVAnews - 329 years ago today, on 2 January 1680, Raden Trunojoyo was executed by the authority of Mataram, and his notorious rebellion was finally brought to an end.

Raden Trunojoyo was a Madurese nobleman who raised his arms against the Mataram Sultanate in 1674. Trunojoyo was the grandson of Cakraningrat I, the first Madurese ruler who ruled Madura under the sovereignty of Mataram.

During Amangkurat I’s rule, the Mataram kingdom was characterized by several years of rebellion. He was a harsh ruler who never hesitated to murder his own relatives and Muslim scholars.

Since the king's policy was getting harsher by the day, his son, Prince Adipati Anom made a pact with Raden Kajoran and his son-in-law, Raden Trunojoyo to bring an end to Amangkurat I's rule.

In 1674 Trunojoyo succeeded in capturing Madura and declared himself king. Later, assisted by Karaeng Galesong, a refugee from Makassar, and Panembahan Giri of Surabaya, Trunojoyo brought his army to Java and captured several Mataram cities in the north coast.

Prince Adipati Anom, alarmed by the success of Trunojoyo's campaign in Java began to question his intentions. In 1676, he cut his ties with Trunojoyo and personally tried to suppress the rebellion but to no avail.

Trunojoyo's army appeared in Plered, the Mataram's capital, and Amangkurat I was forced to flee. On his way northward, the sultan became ill and died in Tegal. Prince Adipati Anom, who succeeded his father as Amangkurat II requested Dutch military support. At the time, the entire northern coast of Java was already in the rebels’ hands.

The VOC complied with the plea and a successful expedition was launched against Trunojoyo. On 27 December 1679, Trunojoyo was captured by the VOC in one of the hills of Mount Kelud. The Dutch handed him over to Amangkurat II who subsequently executed him on 2 January 1680.

As a reward for their support, Amangkurat II gave the VOC an extensive area in West Java. The Dutch also obtained monopoly over the imports of textiles and opium, the export of sugar from Central Java, the first rights to purchase rice in Java, and later, the right to administer and levy duties in the ports of north Java.

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