Abuse Against Women

Lack of Protection for Women

VIVAnews - Women's Advocacy Agency Damar stated that violent acts against women in 2008 had increased. In fact, legal protection over women in Lampung is not yet maximum.

"Acts of violence against women in 2008 reached 206 cases, six cases more than 2007. Ironically, the number of violent acts which was legally handled is only 54 cases," said activist of Women's Advocacy Agency Damar, Titin Kurniasih.

Of 206 cases of violent acts against women, rape is the most dominant with 105 cases. Most crimes were committed in Bandar Lampung, Lampung, reaching 67 cases. "However, we are convinced that concerning the regencies, there is an iceberg phenomenon," said Kurniasih.

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Kurniasih also noted that there is a changing of pattern in the rape cases occurring in 2008: the cases were mostly committed by relatives. Also, based on Damar's investigation, rape was commonly committed by perpetrators whose social classes and intellectuality are high.

"In general, employers tended to show their superiority by committing rape," said Kurniasih, who also indicated the numerous amount of sexual abuse of domestic helpers by their employers.

Data of Women's Advocacy Agency Damar showed that the average victims of violent acts against women were mostly women under the age of 17.

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Coverage by: Agusta Hidayat | Lampung
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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