13 February 1964

Lampung Province was Founded

VIVAnews – 45 years ago today, on 13 February 1964, Lampung Province was officially founded.

Lampung is a province in Indonesia. The province is located on the southern tip of the Island of Sumatra. Lampung is bordered on the north by the provinces of Bengkulu and South Sumatra, and on the south by the Strait of Sunda.

The indigenous inhabitants of Lampung are of mixed ethnicities: Malays, Bataks, Chinese, and Bantam. Later, a considerable number of Javanese, Madurese, and Balinese arrived in late 20th century and settled in the province. Most of these migrants were engaged in trade and agriculture. 

Lampung has a long history. Back in the 16th century, it was one of the provinces of the Sultanate of Bantam.

Three centuries later, in 1808, the Dutch wrested Lampung from Bantam and incorporated it into the Dutch East Indies. A few years later, however, in 1817, the British managed to wrest Lampung from the Dutch, but had to return it again to them in 1824.

From 1818 to 1942, Lampung came under the control of the Dutch East Indies which made it a district (karesidenan) within the South Sumatra province.

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In 1945, the year Indonesia gained its independence, after a short occupation by the Japanese from 1942 to 1945, Lampung became part of the Republic of Indonesia.       

On 13 February 1964, the status of Lampung was elevated from karesidenan to province, based on Law No. 14/1954. The capital of the new province is in Bandar Lampung.

Today, Lampung has a population of more than seven million. The majority of the population are descendants of migrants from Java and Madura who came to the province in early 1970s and 1980s as part of the government’s transmigration program.

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