BI Rate

BI and Banking Discuss on Interest Rate Cut

VIVAnews - Bank Indonesia has discussed with banking community to cut the interest-rate of fixed deposit and credit following the decrease in Bank Indonesia (BI) Rate.

"We are talking about the matter with banks, asking them to reduce their interest rate," said Senior Deputy Governor of BI Miranda Goeltom on Tuesday, March 10.

According to Goeltom, banks have responded over the issue positively. She said banks are planning to disburse credit. "But they remain cautious. Every bank has different [character]," she said.

For the time being, BI maintains conversation with banks aiming at the decrease in fixed deposit and credit interest rate, resulting at boosting the economy. "In the end, the economy may gain the benefit," she said.

As reported, BI has cut BI Rate by 50 basis points to 7.75 percent. However, business community still complains about the current interest rate of fixed deposit and credit. Credit interest rate is still deemed high. Business community requested that banks lower their interest rate to 11 percent.

Siap Tanding ! Bank Mandiri Resmi Umumkan Tim Proliga 2024 Putri, Jakarta Livin' Mandiri (JLM)


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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