Economic Outlook

Revised Growth of Export

VIVAnews - Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu revises the projected growth of 2009 exports.

"I will revise the range of the export growth in volume to between minus 10 percent and 0 percent, based on a request from Minister Sri Mulyani," said Pangestu on Thursday, April 16.

Earlier, the Department of Trade has predicted that the volume of exports will be minus 10 percent to minus five percent. "As regards values, it is very difficult of setting up the projection due to fluctuating commodities' prices. Therefore, the parameter will be the volume," he said.

The projection includes the assumed growth of the global economy as well as market.

Previously, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani projected that the growth of exports will be between minus five percent and minus eight percent, using the assumed economic growth of between 4.3 percent and 4.8 percent. According to the Department of Finance, the imports will also have volume of between minus eight percent and minus 12 percent.

In addition to 2010, according to Pangestu, the Department of Trade is asked to make positive growth. In the government's working plan for 2010, the growth of exports is targeted to reach five percent.

PDIP Sumbar Menang Atas Gugatan dari Kader Sendiri


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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