2009 Elections

Election Result Cannot Be Revoked: MPR

VIVAnews - The chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Hidayat Nur Wahid said that the final list of voters and logistics issues cannot become the arguments to deny the general elections result.

"There isn't any constitutional product that can revoke the general elections result," said Nur Wahid in the state palace in Jakarta on Friday, April 17.

On the contrary, Nur Wahid agreed that every issue which was happened during the legislative election can be solved together.

He expected that all issues can be resolved as soon as possible considering the upcoming presidential election. "It includes the issue on vote distension and fictive data," he explained.

The General Elections Commission as the authority of general elections execution is requested to maximise the present time for fixing the final list of voters.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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