Energy and Mining Sector

Positive Payment Balance in Energy & Mining

VIVAnews - The Energy and Mineral Resources Department is optimistic that the balance of payment of the energy and mineral resources sector will be positive in 2009, despite the decrease value of energy and mining sector exports.

The global meltdown has not only cut the exports but also the imports. "Therefore we are optimistic that the payment of balance will still be positive," said the Energy Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro at Ritz Carlton Hotel in Jakarta on Monday night, April 20.

Yusgiantoro said that even though in 1009 the oil, gas, and mineral productions are expected to decrease, the national coal production has increased. The raise in coal production is following the growth in coal consumption with the 10,000 Megawatt power plant program.

Apart than that, the department is also assured that the energy and mining industry are not deeply affected by the economic slowdown because the investment in these sectors are made in long-term. "The capital flow is still positive because of the attractive geological condition, electricity guarantee from the government, and Middle East funding," he explained.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

Niat Mulia Maarten Paes untuk Timnas Indonesia
Plt Rektor Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Chatarina Muliana.

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