Banking Sector

Banks Surpass Critical Moment

VIVAnews - Banking analysts figure that the liquidation of IFI Bank shows that banking has surpassed its critical moment.

Head of Economists at Mandiri Group, Mirza Adityaswara, said banks' liquidity is now better.

Adityaswara agreed with the decision that the central bank took in liquidating IFI Bank on Friday, April 17. The closing was carried out because IFI Bank lacked capital.

According to him, the liquidation is positive because it is done after the crisis passes.

He evaluates that the market is improving. The indication on this is that the yield of the bonds improves, stock index gains increase and banking liquidity rises.

Terpopuler: Tentang Nafkah Anak Laki-laki yang Sudah Baliqh sampai Masalah Obat Kuat


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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