
High Illiteracy Rate in Bogor

VIVAnews - As many as 700 out of 48 thousand children in Bogor Regency, West Java, suffer from illiteracy.

They generally do not go to school, whether it is elementary school or high school.

They are located in Malasari Village, Nanggung Sub-district, Bogor Regency.

Malasari Village Head Endang Sukendar said that most inhabitants in the village do not go to school. "As a result, many of the inhabitants are still under-developed,"said Sukendar.

Of around 7,586 inhabitants living in 30 kampongs (villages), there is only one elementary school. No Junior and Senior High Schools are available. 

"Therefore, we implore the regional government of Bogor to build another school in Malasari Village," Sukendar told VIVAnews.

Public Relations Officer of Bogor Educational Agency Rony Kusmaya said that the government has rehabilitated broken schools in Nanggung; one of the repaired school was located in Malasari Village.
"This year, we want the illiteracy-free program in Bogor Regency to be realized," Sukendar said on Tuesday, Jan 6.

Siap Tanding ! Bank Mandiri Resmi Umumkan Tim Proliga 2024 Putri, Jakarta Livin' Mandiri (JLM)

Coverage by: Ayatullah Humaeni/ Bogor
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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19 April 2024