Crime and Investigation

Forest Combed to Locate Police Shooter

VIVAnews - Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Police Department intensifies combing in Aceh forest to apprehend a suspect of police shooter. The police were trying to capture logs thieves.

"The shooter ran away and went into the forest," said Chief of Indonesian Police Bambang Hendarso Danuri on Friday, Feb. 13.

Hendarso said on Thursday, 12 February, that as many as 30 police officers from Nagan Raya and Betung Police Departments were deployed to arrest perpetrators of log stealing in an oil palm plantation.

As the police officers were searching for the culprits, gunfires came from the forest aiming at the police. "It came from three directions," he said.

Terima Kunjungan LBBP Jepang, Menaker Berharap Kerja Sama Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia-Jepang Meningkat

Afterwards, an armed clash occurred. "The shots did not injure or kill anyone," said Bambang Hendarso.

Additional 30 Mobile Brigade personnel and Indonesian Military personnel reinforced the squad. The driver of the log-carrier vehicle was apprehended. However, the suspect of the shooting managed to escape.

When asked about the possibility that the shooter was a member of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), Bambang Hendarso replied: "We cannot yet suspect anyone. No one has been arrested."

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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