Film Screenings

1-30 Nov - Droits de l'Homme

VIVAnews - "Droits de l'Homme" is a series of documentary film screenings about Human Rights. It started on 1 November and will end on 29 November.

Respons Keluarga Via Vallen Soal Penggerudukan dan Dugaan Penggelapan Motor

"In order to celebrate the 9th edition of French Documentary Month and  the 60 th anniversary of Declaration of Human Rights in United Nations Organisation on the 10th of December 1948, the French Institute in Jakarta in collaboration with KINEFORUM – Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Arts Council) presents a documentary program about Human Rights."

"This compilation consist of 17 documentary proposing different points of view that questioning the Human Rights condition in the present world along with other themes about the principles of Human Right's Declaration. Though most of the documentary are produced in France, some world-class filmmaker are also presented such as Patricio Guzman (Chili), Weijun Chen (China) and Vitali Kanevski (Russia)."

Ini Hal Paling Diwaspadai Arema FC dari PSM Makassar

You can still catch the part of the series this weekend.

Friday, 28 November, 19:30, KINEFORUM
Le Cas Pinochet
by Patricio Guzman
2001, 110 minutes, Spanish version, English subtitles.

Sunday, 30 November, 17:30, KINEFORUM
Invente-moi un pays
by Catalina Villar
2005, 58 minutes, French version, English subtitles.

Sunday, 30 November, 17:30, KINEFORUM
Leçon de Biélorusse
karya Miroslaw Dembinski
2006, 56 minutes, original version, English subtitles.

Saturday, 29 November, 19:30, KINEFORUM
S21, la machine de mort khmère rouge
by Rithy Panh
2003, 105 minutes, original version, English subtitles.

Chery Perluas Jaringan Diler di Kota Satelit Jakarta

For more information visit

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