2009 Elections

Violation Against Campaign Difficult to Prove

VIVAnews - The Indonesian Elections Commission finds it difficult to decide which political parties infringe the campaigning rules.

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"It's really hard," said member of the Elections Commission Andi Nurpati on Wednesday, Jan 7.

Nurpati cited a political party organizing a large amount of masses to gather in a march. The march was carried out before the official campaigning period was started. Although the commission saw that the march had violated the rules, said Nurpati, the evidence was difficult to find.

"Because it is impossible for any political party to admit that such a march was intended as political campaign. Therefore, we're facing difficulties to prove whether or not such an activity would influence voters," said Nurpati.

In her opinion, the measure that the Elections Commission may take regarding the situation is to figure whether or not the number of masses exceeds maximum limit that Law on General Elections stipulates. "Political campaign is defined as the publication of the vision and mission of a party's program. And it may affect voters," said Nurpati. 

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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