Election in Papua

Red Alert in Papua Prior to Election

VIVAnews - Red alert status has been announced by the Papua Police Department since Monday, March 30. The chief of Papua Police Department Inspector General Bagus Ekodanto said that the status was announced to anticipate any disturbance in the general elections.

"That doesn't necessarily meant that the situation is critical, but the Police is prepared during the seven days prior to the election," he said as quoted in the Papua Police Department's Website.

Ekodanto added that the red alert status is not related to the statements made by several groups which had claimed to boycott or even sabotage the general elections. It also includes a statement from the Free Papua Movement (OPM) which is led by Goliat Tabuni. "I'm not worried of the statements. I'm anticipating by preparing every officials to [create] a conducive situation," he said.

Concerning the security in general elections, Ekodanto explained that the police and security officials have already secured the voting spots in difficult terrains. Apart of that, the regional police have also issued Papua Chief Police Regulation No. Pol: Perkap/02/III/2009 on delivering opinion in public. The regulation prohibits demonstration, parade, and oration that invites a massive number of people. "The regulation has been imposed starting on March 30 until April 13 after the vote count," he stressed.

The regulation does not ban every form of speech in public. The chief of the Papua Police said that expressing thought is allowed as long as it is done by a representative without involving the mass. "The point is I don't stop people for stating their opinions in public. But I limit stating opinions in public which involves large mass [and] disturbing public order," he explained.

If violations still occur, there will be sanctions, starting from mass dismissal to being charged of criminal act. The demonstration organizers can also be sanctioned based on the valid regulations and a third of the criminal act.

The regulation has been informed to the Papua governor Barnabas Suebu said the Police Chief. "The governor also agrees with it. Moreover, several groups have said they will sabotage and boycott the elections," he added.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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