Govt Must Have Ambitious Growth Target

VIVAnews - The the newly set-up government is expected to have an ambition in projecting two-digit economic growth. The target is required to help Indonesia gain influence amidst the Asian countries, Jeffrey Winters told VIVAnews on Tuesday, April 22.

He suggested that the next government must have an aggressive target of the economic growth. A number of presidential candidates, especially Prabowo Subianto, has already announced a targeted economic growth of more than ten percent. However, Yudhoyono was at odds with the target.

"If Indonesia grows by two digits, it will shock Asia," he said.

"Unfortunately the government is not ambitious, concerning bot the president and the economic team," he said. "[Their] mentality is the seven-percent-growth mentality. It's difficult," he added.
Winters mentioned one crude joke about Indonesia. "[The joke] is that Indonesia is a great potential and always will be."


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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