IDX Setting Standards on IT System

VIVAnews - The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) will prepare standards for the IT system of the stock members.

IDX Director of Technology and Information, Bastian Purnama, said on Wednesday, April 28, the formulation of the standards is an anticipation to to avoid another error from occurring as was one experienced by PT Trimegah Securities Tbk some time ago.

Purnama went on to say that the stock authorities will request the stock members to report and ask for permission to apply a system.

Trimegah missed the procedure.

Inggris, AS Berikan Sanksi pada Tokoh Militer Terkemuka Iran Usai Serangan Terhadap Israel


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

Ilustrasi cadangan devisa, utang luar negeri, modal asing, dan devisa hasil ekspor.

Utang Luar Negeri RI Februari 2024 Naik Jadi US$407,3 MIliar, Ini Penyebabnya

Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat, Utang Luar Negeri (ULN) Indonesia pada Februari 2024 sebesar US$407,3 miliar. Jumlah itu mengalami kenaikan US$1,6 miliar dari Januari 2024.

19 April 2024