International Relations

IDB Helps Indonesia With US$83 Million

VIVAnews - Islamic Development Bank (IDB) will disburse around US$83 million of funds for Indonesia. The sum is aimed at supporting poverty eradication programs.

It is expected that the aid will help 14 million inhabitants in 4,871 villages in 14 Indonesian provinces. IDB office in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as quoted by Bernama on Saturday, Feb. 14, announced that the aid is aimed at alleviating poverty rate, especially for the survivors of the 2004 tsunami.

IDB stated that it has approved fund disbursement of around US$348.15 million for new projects in six member countries including Indonesia. Four non-member Islamic states are also included in the projects.

Indonesia, joining IDB in 1975, is one of the IDB founders.

Fairuz A Rafiq Beberkan Kondisi Terkini Usai Dilarikan ke RS Bersama Buah Hati

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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