
Critical Green Open Spaces in South Sulawesi

VIVAnews - Green open spaces in 23 regencies/municipalities in South Sulawesi are critical. They only cover around five to six percent of the area.

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"In the regulation, it is stipulated that (green open) spaces should cover at least 30 percent," said Head of Housing and Layout Agency of South Sulawesi Syahriar Tato to VIVAnews in Makassar, Dec 26.

According to Tato, none of the regencies/municipalities in South Sulawesi complies with the rule when in fact it is mandated by Law No.26/2007. "This is terrible," he said.

He went on to say that Makassar is in the most dire situation with only four percent of green open spaces remaining, followed by Pare-pare with five percent.

Meanwhile, Palopo has the vastest green open spaces with eight percent.

The low rate of green open spaces results from land conversion. There has been a yearly increasing rate of farmland conversion into housing and shops. And yet, Tato said, this is not balanced by planting new trees.

For the South Sulawesi administration, the green open spaces are significant because they will affect the quality of the city air.

"The green open spaces may reduce the impact of the global warmth as well as water shortage and lack of drainage," said Tato.

Tato has criticized the governments of regencies/municipalities that have been against the regulation. He feels that they should be sanctioned.

Therefore, Tato demanded that the people of South Sulawesi recognize the importance of green open spaces. "It is the responsibility of all communities in South Sulawesi. Therefore, people should start taking initiative," he said.

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Coverage: Zeena l Makassar
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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