Financial Crisis Management

2008 Macro Economy Looks Good

VIVAnews - Despite having to face heave economic pressure due to the global financial crisis, the government ensures that the 2008 macro economic indicator is still good.

The press release by the Department of Finance stated that the determination that the indicator is still under control can be seen from the actual macro economic indicator of the 2008 Revised State Budget.

According to the Head of the Public Relations for the Department of Finance, Harry Z. Soeratin, the rate of economic growth could still be pushed to 6.2 percent, even though there was a slowdown in the third and fourth quarters.

Inflation level is still under control at about 11.4 percent, even though this is much higher than the targeted 6.5 percent. Efforts to safeguard inflation were done by maintaining smooth and adequate supply of goods and services, as well as reducing the price of fuel twice in December 2008.

Certificates Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia (SBI) for 3 months, which is the base of calculating the interest rates of government bonds, is estimated to be about 9.3 percent. This is higher than the 2008 Revised State Budget’s projection of 7.5 percent. However, Soeratin emphasized that the monthly average tended to decline in line with the reduced inflation pressure.

Rupiah's exchange rate is estimated to average Rp 9,691 per US dollar as a result depreciation pressure of the rupiah at the end of 2008. Meanwhile, oil prices and oil lifting are not much different from original projection.

Crude oil price in Indonesia averaged around US$ 96.8 per barrel, alongside the decline in crude oil prices in the international market in the second semester of 2008. Indonesia’s crude oil lifting could reach 931,000 barrels per day, which exceeds the 2008 target of 927,000 barrels per day.

Ibu dan Dua Anak Tertimbun Longsor di Garut Ditemukan

Translated by: Ramona Sofianne Dewi Sasradipoera

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