Prison Condition

750 Prisoners Die Behind Bars

VIVAnews - 750 prisoners died behind bars in 2008. 533 of them did not make it pass six months.

Blak-blakan, Putri Anne Ngaku Belum Bisa Move On dari Arya Saloka

Director General of Penal Institution at the Department of Justice and Human Rights, Untung Sugiyono, said that the deaths were caused by ailments. According to Sugiyono, the dominant ailments include HIV/AIDS and TBC.
He went on to say that the stress level of prisoners during the early period of imprisonment is high. "They were stressed and under improper condition. They lacked food, they seldom took showers. The situation led their body to lose immunity and caused them to easily get sick," said Sugiyono on Wednesday, Dec 31.
Meanwhile, the number of prisoners who died after six months of imprisonment reached 142. "Those who died after one year of imprisonment reaches 75," he said.

He also acknowledged that the number of prisoners exceeding jail capacity as well as lack of supervision are factors that affect the prisoners' health. "A cell for five is filled with 25 prisoners," he said.
To resolve the situation, the Directorate General of Penal Institution has cooperated with the Department of Health. "We've prepared a program," he said.

Melesat Naik Pangkat Jenderal Bintang Dua TNI, Mayjen Bangun Nawoko Kini Jabat Pangdivif 3 Kostrad

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

Ilustrasi STNK di Jakarta.

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