4 January 1946

First Congress of United Struggle Movement

VIVAnews - 62 years ago today, on 4 January 1946, 139 organizations from all over Indonesia attended the first congress of the United Struggle.

United Struggle (Persatuan Perjuangan) was an umbrella organization that brought together all parties and individuals in Indonesia who opposed the government plan to negotiate with the Dutch. All attendees, especially Tan Malaka and General Sudirman, preferred to take a non-cooperative movement to deal with the Dutch. They refused to cooperate with the Dutch or made concessions to them. For them, independence should be totally 100 percent. 

The first congress of the United Struggle was chaired by Tan Malaka. No less than 139 organizations from all over Indonesia attended the congress in Purwokerto, including several major political parties such as Masyumi, PNI, Parindra, and PKI (Indonesian Communist Party). General Sudirman, the commander of the Indonesian armed forces, was also present at the congress.

Later, a second congress was held in Solo 15-16 January 1946. The congress ratified the proposal of Tan Malaka called “The Minimum Program.” On 17 March 1946, the key leaders of the United Struggle were arrested by the Indonesian government under PM Sjahrir.

The United Struggle was also accused by the government of planning a coup. Several of its leaders, including Tan Malaka and Soedarsono were arrested. Due to his constant opposition to the Indonesian government, a faction of the Indonesian army arrested Tan Malaka on 13 February 1949 and executed him eight days later.

Yandri Klaim Seluruh DPW dan DPD PAN Ingin Zulhas Kembali Ketua Umum
Syifa Hadju

Hubungannya Diduga Retak karena Orang Ketiga, Begini Kata Syifa Hadju Soal Perselingkuhan

Menurut Syifa Hadju, setiap orang dalam sebuah hubungan pasti akan belajar menerima kekurangan pasangan masing-masing.

25 April 2024