Telecommunication Industry

Mobile Content Providers Complaining

VIVAnews - Mobile Content Provider Association (IMOCA) disagreed with the new governmental regulation on premium message and short message services to various destinations.

The regulation would add to bureaucratic chains as well as spend additional costs to content providers.

"We object against the ministerial regulation [Communication and Information Ministerial Regulation No.1/PER.M.Kominfo/01/2009] concerning especially with article 2 and article 6," IMOCA Head Haryawirasma told VIVAnews. 

Article 2, he said, stipulated that content mobile providers should initially register to Indonesian Telecommunication Regulation Agency for providing premium message services.

In fact, prior to the issuance of the regulation, content providers were not obligated to register their services. "It will add to longer bureaucracy," said Haryawirasma.
In addition, article 6 of the regulation also obligates content providers to pay Costs for Telecommunication Services Rights. The tariff that will be imposed reaches one percent of gained profits.

It means that if some premium message services earned Rp 500 million in profit, content providers should contribute Rp 5 million to the government. "It is unacceptable," he said.

In fact, he said, operators have paid the costs.

"Why must we pay for it?" For the time being, he is trying to meet Minister of Communication and Information to talk about the issue. He hoped that the regulation can be reviewed.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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