Mataloko Mudflow

No Hot Mud Pouring in Mataloko

VIVAnews - Hot mud outflow is not happening in one of the wells in Mataloko geothermal power plant, Ngada Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

"There is no hot mud outflow. It's only hot vapor and it's not hazardous," said member of a Geology Team of Bandung, Kaswani, on Tuesday, Jan. 27.

According to Kaswani, the vapor leakage occurred due to underground pressure, which, due to a mixture with water, causes hot mud in the gas well surface. The outflow resembles boiling water because water penetrates into mud.

However, the geology team promised to take a quantity of vapor to be examined. The team asked the public not to be too anxious about the situation.

Kaswani said that the mudflow will be less intense as dry season appears. According to him, the poured vapor will not harm the environment, will not endanger agricultural plants and will not affect local communities. "There is no chemical substance. This is an ordinary natural phenomenon. However, we will continue observe the outflow to prevent another outflow from pouring outside of the marked zone," he said.

Last week, Ngada Regent, Piet Nuwa Wea, called for aid from the central government to mantle the mudflow. The request was made due to the fact that countless inhabitants suffer from skin and respiratory tract diseases after they breathed in gas-and-sulphur-mixed air around the area. 500 inhabitants are said to live around the scene. The height of the mudflow reaches 1.5 meters. The mudflow has formed a pond of around 100 square meters. 

Geothermal drilling in Mataloko aims at generating turbine to supply electricity in most of Flores region. The drilling has been in operation since 2005. However, no electricity has been produced in the area.

Ternyata Buah Delima Punya Manfaat untuk Sembuhkan Kanker, Benarkah?

Coverage by: Jemris Fointuna|Kupang
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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