
1,200 People Seek Refuge

VIVAnews - Bengawan Solo River flooded seven Regencies along Central and East Java. Around 1,200 inhabitants sought refuge to safer places.

"There are up to 300 families, or about 1,200 refugees," said Head of Crisis Management Center at the Department of Health Rustam S Pakaya to VIVAnews on Sunday, Feb 1.

The flood affected areas in Central Java include Sragen, Pati and Demak. In addition, the inundated areas in East Java include Jember, Lumajang and Gresik.

"The flood in Pasuruan and Gresik has subsided. Flood level in Sragen almost decreases while Jember remains at quite a height level," said Pakaya. He hoped that the flood would not affect the areas as seriously as last year. 

Bengawan Solo River overflowed due to two-day rainfalls. "For the time being, there has been no casualties," said Pakaya.

Terungkap, Arti Nama Anak Perempuan Dude Harlino dan Alyssa Soebandono

Meanwhile the government 10 tons of aid are on the way for the flood victims, 5 tons each for East Java and Central Java.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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