2009 Elections

Golkar's Popularity Increases

VIVAnews - Rulli Chairul Azwar, Deputy Secretary General  of Functional Group (Golkar) Party , is still optimistic that Golkar will still win the 2009 Elections. He claimed that Golkar's popularity keeps increasing, based on a survey that Golkar conducted.

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"Our position has been rising steadily until late January. Based on polls that we conducted, we gained 19.3 percent of votes ," said Azwar on Tuesday, Feb 17.

Azwar said the survey administered by Golkar Party was in collaboration with three survey agencies including jakarta-based Indonesian Survey Agency (LSI), Indobarometer, and Polling Center.

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According to Azwar, the increase in the polls showed the party's efforts succeeded. "In addition, we managed to create quite an image through advertisement" said he.

Golkar party improved its popularity in several areas such as Jakarta, West Java, and Banten. Golkar led the votes in the said areas.

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Meanwhile, in Central Java, the party gained third position, while it was in first position in Sulawesi. The party was on fourth position in Kalimantan.

"We have a decrease in East Java," added Azwar.

He acknowledged that as Golkar gained popularity in the polls, Democratic Party recorded an increase in popularity in many areas.

"We are still ahead on national scale," he said. Azwar later went on to say that to win the coming Elections, Golkar will secure votes.

He said they will monitor the Elections phases closely; starting from ballot-marking, ballot-counting, and set up self-recapitulation. "Therefore, we will be able to detect if there is vote inflation."

Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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