Defense and Security

Yudhoyono Urged to Increase Defense Budget

VIVAnews - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was urged to increase and to prioritize the defense budget. If the measure is not taken, there are concerns that Indonesia will suffer from serious losses.

"If we're not prioritizing our defense, it means that we let people steal our natural resources. We let other people despise us. We let our country be left unguarded," said member of Functional Group (Golkar) Party faction Hepi Bone Zulkarnaen on Wednesday, Dec 10.

According to Hepi Bone, it is only President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who is able to increase the budget. Therefore, the government must have a new paradigm. The reason is that, Hepi Bone went on, the government has considered borderlines were underdeveloped.

"The one who can take the measure is a top manager, and the President is the manager," said Hepi Bone. According to him, the defense sector was positioned at seventh in the priority list set by the National Development Planning Agency. "Meanwhile, the first priority is education and health," the Budget Committee member at the House of Representatives (DPR) said.

For 2008, the government has allocated Rp 33.7 trillion (approx. US$3 billion) fund for the Department of Defense. In the 2007 budget, the department was given Rp 29.5 trillion (approx. US$2.7billion).

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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