2009 Elections

2009 Elections Must Run More Smoothly

VIVAnews - Member of Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu) Wahidah Suaib said she hoped that the General Elections Commission (KPU) will not repeat its mistake during the 2004 Elections in supplying ballots.

"The ballot films had been handed in to the tender winner to be printed. However, the winner withdrew due to the work load," said Suaib on Friday, Jan 16. 

Suaib suggested that the Commission be transparent in holding a tender to prevent another error. Therefore, the public will also be a watchdog.

"We are also stating that the once troubled company is no longer invited to join the tender," she said.

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Suaib said that several groups feels that the Elections Commission is not ready to hold the Elections, and that this will affect people's perception in that the public will be skeptical of the next Elections. However, Suaib emphasized that the members of the Elections Commission have been working seriously to schedule the Elections.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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Sidang kasus korupsi  (Foto ilustrasi)

Hakim Geram ke Saksi di Sidang Korupsi Tol MBZ: Proyek Triliunan Gini kok Main-main

Hakim mencecar saksi sampai tidak berkutit di kasus korupsi Tol MBZ. Dalam hal itu juga diketahui kalau tender sudah disetting siapa pemenangnya. Membuat hakim jadi heran

24 April 2024