Law and Order

Execution to Be Set by AGO

VIVAnews - Attorney General's Office (AGO) has yet to receive officially the Supreme Court's instruction on death sentence, through letter No.029/KMA/III/2009. However, AGO has already kept a copy of the instruction. 

"In the instruction, it is mentioned that the proposal for a judicial review is set in a certain period deemed as appropriate," said Attorney General, Hendarman Supandji, on Friday, March 20.

As a follow up, AGO will shortly discuss about the time limit for the death convicts. "The appropriate time must be settled. I have no idea of it," said Supandji.

Then AGO will send letters to convicts and inform them the limit available to propose for the last legal attempt.

AGO proposed that the Supreme Court issue an instruction on death sentence. It is expected that the instructed can answer to the weak regulation on death execution namely Law on Clemency and the Penal Code. Both regulations do not specify the time limit of when an execution is carried out.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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