Interview with Jusuf Kalla

Majority of Participants Choose Chairman

VIVAnews - After Jusuf Kalla announced its intention of becoming the next Indonesian president, he has prepared several steps. In addition to visiting the regions, he is actively lobbying several parties.

Then how has Kalla responded over his chance of becoming an Indonesian president. VIVAnews journalist Arfi Bambani interviewed Chairman of Functional Group (Golkar) Party at the interval of Kalla's visits to the provinces.

What was the intention of the two-day visit?

Having been through a long journey to four provinces in two days, it was all aimed at observing national issues occurred in (such region as) Aceh as well as reporting the situation in provinces.

How did you respond over Golkar's internal attempts to nominate a presidential candidate?

Indeed, the attempts were aimed at electing a chairman. In fact, there is a Regional Representative having a candidate. Therefore, the internal attempts will not be different. The result of the nomination will be approved by Provincial Representative. It is the same. Of all the candidates, 15 Regional Representatives propose only one candidate. So there will no be any difference.

Will the procedure keep continue?

The procedure is still applied although it is more a confirmation, such as one mentioned by the Regional Representatives.

How about Golkar Special Meeting of National Board?

The meeting is still organized. However, most of the written proposals have been submitted. And certainly, the majority of, and most of, provinces proposed a name. This will surely ease things up.

The meeting then emphasized that you will be the next presidential candidate from Golkar?

It will be formally decided in the Special Meeting of National Board. However, of all the nominated candidates, the majority of participants chose Chairman. It is common.

Has the coalition between Golkar and Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) caught the nerve of the cabinet?

As I have always said in my speeches, we'd like to have a national political view which accommodates different ideologies, views and programs; but personal relationship must still be maintained. As for the coalition, we will discuss the matter after the legislative Elections is held.

Was the meeting with other parties a part of your efforts as a presidential candidate?

It was my attempt to unite the nation the more. This is really part of my conscience. We may be different, but we must keep smiling. We cannot be hostile to each other all the time. That was my idea.

What about the possibility that there are factions in the cabinet?

No, no. I give my word. The proof was that I embraced any party, name it PKS (Justice and Prosperous Party), PPP (United Development Party) and other parties.

(Did you speak with) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono?

We held several meetings with Democratic Party several times, actually. We proposed the program earlier.

Have you set up a campaigning team?

Not yet.

PDIP Sumbar Menang Atas Gugatan dari Kader Sendiri


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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