9 December 1998

Soeharto Questioned on Corruption

VIVAnews - 10 years ago today, former Indonesian President, Soeharto, went to the Attorney General’s office to face questions regarding corruption during his presidency.

According to Transparency International (TI), during his 31-year rule, Soeharto’s alleged haul amounted to US$15 to US$35 billion.

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Soeharto was the second president of Indonesia.He was inaugurated President of Indonesia in March 1968. He wrested power from the weakened incumbent and founding president, Soekarno, who relied on the Indonesian Communist Party for support.

The 1997-98 Asian financial crisis eroded support for Soeharto's presidency. There were mass demonstrations and violence. Soeharto was forced to resign from presidency in May 1998.

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Soeharto died in Jakarta in January 2008, at the age of 86.

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