Women's Rights

Women's Rights Activists Launch Campaign

VIVAnews - Merely enacting a law to fight violence against women is not enough. Around 100 women's rights activists of East Indonesia launched 'We Can Indonesia' movement in Makassar, Tuesday, Dec 9.

Coordinator of 'We Can Indonesia' of East Indonesia Zohra Andi Baso said that the movement was a campaign to stop any form of violence against Indonesian women. "This is a new method because we cannot expect much from the Law on Abolition of Domestic Violence," she said during the event outside the South Sulawesi Governor's official house.

According to Zohra, the government has issued a regulation on the Abolition of Domestic Violence with Law No.23/2004. However, violence against women in Indonesia is never-ending. She hoped that the campaign 'We Can Indonesia' can be more beneficial and alleviate violence acts against women.

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Zohra explained that the campaign's concept is that of self-awareness, and then direct campaigning to certain individuals and communities. "The method resembles multi-level marketing. One person seeks 10 women to refuse violence against women," she said.

Zohrah expected that the campaign can be maximally implemented by every woman in Indonesia. Therefore, there will be no acts of violence against women in the country.  

The launch of 'We Can Indonesia' was attended by activist representatives from nine provinces: all Sulawesi provinces, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara and Papua. Each representative was given the time to address the participants.

Coverage by: Zeena/Makassar
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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