11 January 1941

Death of Mohammad Husni Thamrin

VIVAnews - 67 years ago, today, on 11 January 1941, Muhammad Husni Thamrin, an Indonesian National Hero, passed away.

Mohammad Husni Thamrin was born in Jakarta, on 16 February 1894. His father was an English businessman while his mother was a native from Batavia. After his father's death, Thamrin, who was then still a child, was adopted by his uncle on his mother's side.

The fact that he was only half Indonesian did not prevent him from loving his mother's country. In October 1919, Thamrin, who graduated from Koning Willem III School, was elected member of the Batavian Municipal Council.

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Eight years later, he became a member of the Volksraad (the Netherlands Indies parliament), representing the Betawi people, and later representing Parindra or Partai Indonesian Raya (Party of a Greater Indonesia) in 1935. During his membership in Volksraad, Thamrin participated in a number of nationalist movements including the Soetardjo petition and the formation of GAPI (Indonesian Political Federation).

Due to his incessant criticism of the Dutch government, especially his suspected overture to the Japanese, on 9 January 1941 Thamrin was arrested by the Netherlands Indies authorities. After the arrest, Thamrin's health condition began to deteriorate since the Dutch prevented his physician to treat his severe diabetes.

Thamrin died on 11 January 1941. More than 10.000 people attended his funeral at Karet cemetery, which soon became a mass demonstration demanding independence and self-determination for Indonesia.

After the independence, the Indonesian government made Thamrin a national hero. His name was immortalized as street names in Jakarta and several other cities in Indonesia.    

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