Acts of Violence

Violence Against Women and Children Rises

VIVAnews - Acts of violence against women and children in West Nusa Tenggara increases. In 2007, there were 50 cases while in 2008 the figure is up to 1,000 cases.

Data of APIK Legal Aid Center showed that acts of violence against women and children reached more than 700 cases. The West Nusa Tenggara Police Department claimed that there were 156 cases, while acts of violence against children amounted to 60 cases.

Head of West Nusa Tenggara Women's Protection and Family Planning Agency Ratningdiyah said that the increase was due to the poor economy families and youth marriages.

Various acts of violence like sexual abuse, one-sided divorce, child sodomy case and child abandonment must be resolved.

"This is an iceberg phenomenon. Every year, the cases are getting bigger. The West Nusa Tenggara must take a firm act," she told reporters.

She went on to say that to handle the problems, a regional governmental regulation is needed to protect the victims of acts of violence.

Responding over the pattern on how cases of violent acts against women and children works, Ratningdiyah stressed that it is not yet optimal. They happen over and over again. "For instance, domestic abuse. One time, a victim filed a lawsuit. Then the victim received the reconciliation request. Then the victim will be beaten again," she said.

TKN Imbau Pendukung Prabowo-Gibran Tak Gelar Aksi Saat Sidang Putusan Sengketa Pilpres

Coverage by: Edy Gustan | Mataram
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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